Dorothea Lucaci

Dorothea Lucaci (formerly Dreaming Moondance) offers Sound Baths and Guided Meditations, Past Life Regression Workshops and Reiki Trainings

These offerings are available both in person and live online.

About Dorothea:

Dorothea is a musician, intuitive healing artist and eternal student. She has studied sound, mantra, and music extensively with various teachers from different traditions in NYC and Melbourne over the past 7 years.

Her studies include:

Tibetan Traditional Sound Healing Training Course, Medicine Buddha Tantrayana Meditation Center, Frankston, Vic, AU. Integrative Sound and Music Practitioner, Open Center, NY, NY, USA. Tuning Fork Practitioner, Brooklyn Healing Arts, Brooklyn, NY, USA. Reiki I, II and Master, Maha Rose, Brooklyn, NY, USA. Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, Theta Healing NYC, NY, NY USA. Astrology Practitioner, Rebecca Gordon Astrology, (formerly My Path Astrology, NY, NY, USA). Integrative Life Coach, School of Integrative Hypnosis, NY, NY, USA. Integrative Hypnosis, School of Integrative Hypnosis, NY, NY, USA.

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